Catching up with TJC Elite Athlete Haley Berget August 20 2017
Show season is in full swing and TJCs 2017 Elite Athlete, Haley Berget, has been in the ribbons show after show. We decided to catch up with her at the ASAW Summerfun Show in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to see how things were going.
Luckily we caught her Pleasure Equitation Championship, which included her performance of a gorgeous pattern on a new horse to the equitation division, Impressive Assets, AKA Fergie.
Continuing her hard work and practice with Scott and Carol Matton at Knollwood Farm, Haley has been honing her form and pattern work in preparation for the big dance this week down in Louisville, Kentucky at the Kentucky State Fair World Championship Horse show.
Since this video has been shot, Haley showed in the 15 year old age division at Louisville and received a Reserve World Championship title, in a field of the best of the best!
This will qualify Haley to compete for the World Grand Championship class Thursday night! All of this was accomplished on the back of her equine partner from last year, Rosewood's Homecoming Dance, AKA Robert, owned by Scott and Carol Matton.
Congratulations Haley and Robert and good luck in the championship!
For more information on how to apply for the 2018 TJC Elite Athlete Sponsorship, click here.