How Horses Make Humans Healthier June 28 2015 6 Comments
If you're a horse rider, you certainly know that horses make you happier. But did you know that they also make us healthier? From the natural high feeling you get after a ride, to the surprising number of calories burned in a day at the barn, riding and working with horses has astounding impacts on our health. Let's take a look at a few of the ways that horses are good for humans.
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Horses Increase Our Empathy
One of the most surprising things that horses do for us is that they literally make us better people, by increasing our empathy. The science behind this is pretty amazing. As humans, our feelings of empathy are linked to a brain chemical called oxytocin. Interaction with all animals increases our oxytocin levels, but this is particularly true of horses, because they're so dependent on our training. As any riders know, working with a horse so they understand our verbal and physical cues isn't just a process of training your horse, it's a mutual process where you learn to understand each other. And that fills your brain with natural chemical goodness.
Of course this isn't the only good chemical that your brain releases to say "good job" when you're done riding. In the same way as runners experience a natural "high" after a run, riders experience a "riders high" thanks to the endorphin release that follows a ride.
Riding is an Awesome Workout
Anyone who's gone full wet-noodle at the end of a tough ride knows this, but it's surprising just how amazing riding is as a workout. In terms of cardiovascular and calorie burning benefits, riding at a canter does twice as much as going for a brisk walk. Oh, and it's also literally a full-body workout.
Riding is Great for our Self-Esteem
Many equestrians really fall in love with the sport when they need it most. Often, that's during (or just before) adolescence, a time when our self-esteem tends to be at its lowest. Riding, caring for horses, and the social environment provided by a barn has been shown to improve self-esteem significantly, and reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
What do you think, do horses actually make us healthier? And did we miss any ways that horses improve our mental or physical health? Let us know in the comments below or over on Facebook.
mary kay mangina-lentz on August 12 2016 at 04:50PM
horses are grreat for esteem energy…mood..therapy… mental and physical..i find horses ..and all animals overall great for depression… just a good for the soul..spirit and mind..
Teresita B. Reyes on June 18 2016 at 09:47PM
Positively true! Horse back riding makes you happy and healthy!
Teri on June 08 2016 at 01:11PM
This would make a great poster. Any chance you might sell some. I am a therapeutic riding instructor and I would love it for the barn!
Dede Donovan on June 04 2016 at 07:02PM
Unfortunately my arthritis has now made it impossible for me to ride, but I remember very well the wonderful stress relief and feeling of connection with another living creature that being with my horses always gave me. I totally understand how Dianna, in the comment above, felt about her time with her horse.
Clairese Yuhasz Austin on June 02 2016 at 11:36PM
As a family of 5 in peril in 1993, we left our home in Alaska for Florida with a disabled husband/father from a car accident. How I was brought to this scruffy farm is a miracle because it saved my life. In 1998, I wrote a grant to bring their horses to a local school to provide Hippotherapy. Today,18 years later, that program is still providing Equine Assisted Therapy today for children from 5 schools. We’ve branched out to provide Equine Special Olympics, driving, and 4-H. What I experienced as a Certified Instructor could never have a monetary amount put upon it. Children that never spoke called their horses by name,as we held on to parents and cried. Children and adults grow stronger and wiser at our Common Sense Ranch, as we do right there with them. Volunteer at your local therapeutic riding center or equine 4-H program or horse rescue. We need your help and you can feel what we feel. No words can describe it.
Dianna Dandridge-Rystrom on August 08 2015 at 04:47PM
Horses definitely make us healthier. I can have a bad day at work and come home and know I have to feed and fill a water trough and the problems just fade away. My horse greets me at the gate and nickers to me, he lets me truly lean on him when there is nothing else strong enough to share my burdens. Sometimes I go weeks without being able to ride for one reason or another and I can feel myself getting out of control. Then Saturday morning rolls around. Most of the chores have already been done or can wait for a few more hours. I get the chance to brush him down and saddle him. I might only get to ride for a few hours and I can think again. My frayed nerves are fixed and I can deal with life again. And personally, if it wasn’t for my horse I would have committed suicide just because I couldn’t see any reason for my life. He gives me reason, but more than that he made me see how much I am worth with or without him.